Resizing your app is one of the most important steps in developing a canvas app on the Power Platform. Even if your app will only ever be used in a phone-sized layout – make your app responsive. By default, canvas apps will resize (to a point). This works sometimes, but it can render your app useless to some users. The default resizing just stretches the app to fit the user’s screen. Depending on what’s in your app, it doesn’t take much to break things.

Taking the time to be in control of how your app responds to different screen sizes is more than worth it, and now it’s easier than ever. If you take the time to develop an app, you want adoption of that app to be as high as possible. People are resistant to change. Our goal as app developers is to create a UI with the least amount of friction possible. That means making sure buttons are easily clickable, text is readable, and controls are just the right size. 

Frankly, this used to be a big pain. Each control has an X, Y, Width, & Height property. Before layout containers, you had to update each of these properties for every single control/element. With layout containers, you can control these properties all at once. 

In this video I’ll show you the basics of how to use justification, alignment, flexible width, and more to get your apps looking and functioning great across any screen size.  

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